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Showing posts from March, 2023

Gold Crow SNP Path

 To date, there are 58 Crow testers that fall under haplogroup I-F22033. FTDNA estimates this man was born around 1750, but we know based on the paper trail for all the Crows the more likely birth of this man was before 1720CE. It's possible this man was born in Europe or was the son of our immigrant ancestor. There were several Crow men living in Spartanburg, SC in the mid to late 1700s. The paper trail is near impossible to determine how each are connected. The goal was to Y-DNA test direct male descendants of each man to try to find genetic mutations called SNPs to build a genetic family tree. Some testers would confirm to be a Gold Crow and test I-F22033+, but their lines would not show any more elaborate genetic branching we would hope for to decipher relationships between individuals. We know that  most of these individuals were closely related, but I  cannot say what the relationship was exactly. The goo...